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12 Integrated Modules

One product - total coverage

People Module

Personnel record with numerous HR / Safety data forms
Links to various other sub-modules, including training, absenteeism, driver's license, PPE and safety observations
Privacy tab for personal information; user security can be established to hide tabs from certain users
Quick access to historic and future training, certifications, incidents, damages, disciplinary action injuries and claims associated with each employee
Detailed absenteeism and vacation tracking
Driver's License
Extensive D/L details, including license number and class information, license renewal and driver's abstract renewal
PPE Issued
PPE cost, issue date and expiry date
Medical Tests
Track employee medical tests and follow-up test dates
Respirator Fit
Comprehensive fit-test information

Companies Module

Lists data on primary company, divisions & contractors, including WCB info and expiries and insurance information
Company Log
Log significant but 'hard-to-track' information such as company purchases, office supplies and equipment
Visitor Screening
Track visitors to company sites; view visitor history

Training Module

Training Control
The nexus of the Training module; displays information needed to track employee training and connects to Courses, Classes and Training Done sub-modules
Courses/Class add wizard is used to create course types and schedule classes
Email notify managers and students of class enrollment
Lists all training courses employees have taken part in, with several printable reports including cost and executive summaries
Overview list of all or selected classes scheduled for each course type; printable reports and class lists
Training Done
View all or selected training done; accelerate data entry with the simultaneous addition of multiple course completions for each employee
Track employee certifications obtained in-house, and from educational facilities and other companies

Workplace Module

Corrective Actions
Establish & track corrective action items and follow-up
Corrective actions link to various record types and sub-modules throughout the program, including inspections, injuries, damage incidents, security incidents, air quality, vehicles and equipment
At-a-glance annual, monthly and daily trends and activities
Document control: lists and provides access to various document types
Multi-form MSDS record with printable renewal request forms and workplace binder sheets and labels
Multi-part form including purchase date and costs, insurance, inspections, and maintenance and license expiries

Meetings Module

Record safety meeting data, including attendance, meeting minutes and action items
Toolbox Meetings
Record on-site safety meeting discussions
Attendance can be added to employee training histories

Inspections Module

Air Quality
Air quality incident record includes incident analysis, follow-up and related corrective actions
Fire Extinguisher
Track fire extinguisher model, supplier, inspection and expiry dates
Job Inventory
Inventory of job titles with hazard assessment information
Hazard Analysis
Hazard analysis of each job task & task-related steps, detailing PPE and other job-specific safety precautions
Company inspection report, including hazards identified; lists relevant corrective action items
Safety Observations
Record on-the-job safety performance observations of potentially unsafe conditions and work practices

Incidents Module

Add Injury
Single-form initial first aid report, saved in Injuries sub-module
The initial first aid report is placed in a multi-form injury record that tracks extensive injury details
Records print to OSHA 300/300A/301 logs
Multi-form claim record prints to Workers’ Comp. forms
Blood and body fluids exposure testing and follow-up
Damage Incident
Multi-form damage record with detailed analysis of spill details, road conditions, reporting, costs and related claims
Security Incident
Multi-form physical security violation record

Setup Module

How-to Movies
Streaming how-to-use video on Simply Safety
Team Security
Add / Edit User
Establish different user and group access levels, limited to specific modules, sub-modules, regions or sites
Change User
Login as a different user without having to restart the program
Email Notification
Automatically email select people when a new incident, damage, corrective action or inspection record is saved
License registration, program customization, email setup, data import and other relevant program setup information

Graphs/Stats Module

Simple Graphs
Preset graphical representations of injury, damage and spill data; by pie or bar chart
Power Graphs
Customizable comparative analysis of various data types, including injuries, claims and corrective actions; five graph types; data grouping and stacking options
Plant Statistics
Incident type analysis for all people or for specific regions, people types, departments, among other data types
Save stats for future reporting and graphing
Site Statistics
Generate site-specific reports including incident statistics and frequency and severity
Generate monthly site-specific contractor reports

Alerter Module

Simply Safety! Alert
Automatic email alerts notifying managers of over 40 different compliance items expiring within Simply Safety
Ability to sort, filter and view items in a powerful grid
Build alerting schedules and send information to the appropriate people
View additional details here.